Rabies vaccinations are addressed in the “Tennessee Anti-Rabies Law.” It is unlawful for any person to own, keep or harbor any dog or cat six (6) months of age or older that has not been vaccinated against rabies as required by this chapter.

Ferrets, certain livestock, hybrid animals, and other animals may be vaccinated for rabies if a vaccine is legally available for that species.

To view this law in its entirety, please refer to Tennessee Code Annotated 68-8-101-115. Vaccinations specifically are addressed in §68-8-103:

§ 68-8-103. Vaccination; certificates

(a) It is unlawful for any person to own, keep or harbor any dog or cat six (6) months of age or older that has not been vaccinated against rabies as required by this chapter, or the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter.

(b) Dogs and cats may be vaccinated as early as three (3) months of age or at an age as specified by the vaccine's United States department of agriculture (USDA) license, but will be considered as noncompliant with this section if over six (6) months of age.

(c) Ferrets, certain livestock, hybrid animals and other animals may be vaccinated for rabies if a vaccine is legally available for that species. Routine rabies vaccination of animals other than dogs or cats is not required unless deemed necessary by the commissioner or by emergency rules of the department.

(d) All rabies vaccinations of dogs and cats as required by this chapter shall be administered only by or under the supervision of a veterinarian.

(e) Evidence of such vaccination shall consist of a certificate that contains the owner's name and address, date of vaccination, date the dog or cat should be revaccinated, description and sex of the dog or cat vaccinated, number of the vaccination tag issued when applicable, manufacturer and lot number of vaccine administered, and the name and signature of the supervising veterinarian. If the vaccination is given at an animal control facility or shelter, then the certificate shall contain the name and signature of the person administering the vaccine as well as that of the supervising veterinarian.

(f) The vaccination certificate shall be prepared in one (1) of the following manners, unless otherwise provided for by rule:

  • Paper forms in triplicate; the original shall be given to the owner, the first copy provided to and retained by the department, and the veterinarian administering or supervising the administration of the vaccine shall retain the second copy; or
  • Computer printout or electronic format, such that the owner, the department and the veterinarian administering the vaccine obtain a copy of the information provided for in subsection (e).

(g) The rabies certificate form and rabies tags shall be provided by the department.

(h) A licensed veterinarian may provide and use an alternative tag and certificate providing that the requirements in subsections (e) and (f) are met.

(i) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require more frequent rabies vaccinations or a greater number of rabies vaccinations than are required by the rabies compendium.

CREDIT(S) 2004 Pub.Acts, c. 765, § 1.

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    Business Hours

    You may contact the Anderson County Animal Shelter at (865) 264-6315 to schedule Return-To-Owner or Animal-Receiving. The Animal Shelter is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday (closed Wednesdays) and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Saturday. The facility is also closed each weekday from 12 to 1 p.m. for lunch.